Author page: G. Stotz

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Execution time and Memory usage

Point Execution time (seconds) Usage memory (bytes) Database queries
By theme Total (WP+Plugins+Theme) By theme Total (WP+Plugins+Theme) By theme Total (WP+Plugins+Theme)
THEME START - 1.033 - 73 341 992 - 21
Before Theme HTML output 0.509 1.542 24 503 392 97 845 384 41 62
Before Page Header 0.563 1.597 25 246 320 98 588 312 64 85
After show menu 0.597 1.63 26 355 288 99 697 280 75 96
After Footer 0.643 1.676 26 481 208 99 823 200 94 115
WP PAGE OUTPUT END - 1.684 - 99 837 160 - 120